速報APP / 娛樂 / GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes an

GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes an



檔案大小:65.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes and Predictive Typing(圖1)-速報App

GIF Color Keyboard gives you the keyboard you always wished! Now you can customize your keyboard by easily selecting your desired color, font, design and even animation.

Use custom images and animated GIFs! You can choose from our wide selection of amazing themes or you can use GIF Color Keyboard Builder to upload your own image, GIF.

Customize your iPhone keyboard with custom images and even animated GIF backgrounds! Bring your keyboard to life!

Create your custom keyboard with your favorite colors, fonts, and images (includes GIFs!), or choose from thousands of awesome pre-made themes! All you need is iOS 8.

Some distinctive features of GIF Color Keyboard:

GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes and Predictive Typing(圖2)-速報App

- Several different categories of themes

- Built-in AutoCorrect

- User-friendly interface

- Built-in AutoSugestion

- 24/7 Support

GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes and Predictive Typing(圖3)-速報App

- Built-in Predictive

- Free to download and use!

If you need help to install the keyboard:

Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard... > GIF Color Keyboard

Then select GIF Color Keyboard and toggle "Allow Full Access". Then you will be able to toggle to your new keyboard with the GLOBE on your normal keyboard.

GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes and Predictive Typing(圖4)-速報App

There are lots of themes available now and many others soon on the way! Keep in touch with GIF Color Keyboard, so you will not miss the new ones.

We always work hard to improve GIF Color Keyboard and we believe we can improve it as a perfect app by making a most of your instructive feedback. Love to hear from you!

GIF Color Keyboard | Brilliant Themes and Predictive Typing(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad